I got something HUGE done last night! I have been trying to decorate/organize my kitchen for over a year now, but it is finally done. Last week I started to repaint my kitchen wall that I had so much trouble with. Coincidentally, Claudia over at Highlowaha challenged her readers to work on an area of their house for 15 minutes a day this week. Well, that was just perfect! Here are my results.
This is the little wall that has been so annoying for so long. I still have to paint some of the white trim and fix the irregular area where the wall and counter touch, but otherwise it is done. I guess I need another apron too, huh?

This isn't very impressive looking, but it would be if I had thought to take a before picture. The bottom shelf is all of Little Guy's dishes, and the rest is just junk that I didn't know what to do with. Organized junk though. Before I cleaned it out, things were literally falling out when I opened the door.

This is my spice cabinet. Again, not too impressive, but a big improvement. It is so much easier to find stuff now.
I'm reading this thinking I need to attack my pantry...I love your kitchen colors. Spending 6 days trying to fix my computer kind of left my house in a mess....best get to cleaning.