Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little Treasures

Since Little Guy is so into the ABC's I thought that I would gather up his alphabet magnets so that he could play with them. This meant digging under the fridge. So I got a stick and slid it under there a few times. This was not easy considering that there were huge chunks of dust clogging everything up. All of a sudden, something plastic shot out from the left side of the refrigerator. I assumed it was a letter and kept digging. Then I looked at my little pile. Among the alphabet letters and dust chunks there was something else. They were little Perler Bead projects. Four of them. Considering the fact that the previous owners of this house have children in their late twenties, it is safe to assume that they had been under there for a loooong time. Like at least 15 years. I couldn't help but laugh. Maybe this is a sign that I need to clean a little more often.

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