Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Little Treasures
Since Little Guy is so into the ABC's I thought that I would gather up his alphabet magnets so that he could play with them. This meant digging under the fridge. So I got a stick and slid it under there a few times. This was not easy considering that there were huge chunks of dust clogging everything up. All of a sudden, something plastic shot out from the left side of the refrigerator. I assumed it was a letter and kept digging. Then I looked at my little pile. Among the alphabet letters and dust chunks there was something else. They were little Perler Bead projects. Four of them. Considering the fact that the previous owners of this house have children in their late twenties, it is safe to assume that they had been under there for a loooong time. Like at least 15 years. I couldn't help but laugh. Maybe this is a sign that I need to clean a little more often.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ta Da!
I got something HUGE done last night! I have been trying to decorate/organize my kitchen for over a year now, but it is finally done. Last week I started to repaint my kitchen wall that I had so much trouble with. Coincidentally, Claudia over at Highlowaha challenged her readers to work on an area of their house for 15 minutes a day this week. Well, that was just perfect! Here are my results.
This is the little wall that has been so annoying for so long. I still have to paint some of the white trim and fix the irregular area where the wall and counter touch, but otherwise it is done. I guess I need another apron too, huh?
This isn't very impressive looking, but it would be if I had thought to take a before picture. The bottom shelf is all of Little Guy's dishes, and the rest is just junk that I didn't know what to do with. Organized junk though. Before I cleaned it out, things were literally falling out when I opened the door. 
This is my spice cabinet. Again, not too impressive, but a big improvement. It is so much easier to find stuff now.
This is the little wall that has been so annoying for so long. I still have to paint some of the white trim and fix the irregular area where the wall and counter touch, but otherwise it is done. I guess I need another apron too, huh?
This is my spice cabinet. Again, not too impressive, but a big improvement. It is so much easier to find stuff now.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Little Guy must lay awake at night thinking of ways to test me, and then get up early to figure out how he can act cute to make up for it.
-I have had to tie my dining room chairs to the table. Literally tie them. Little Guy was constantly dragging them into the kitchen to get into things he shouldn't, and I was going batty trying to keep him away from them. In his quest for bubbles, cookies, and jelly beans he was willing to do whatever it took to get them. Even if it meant rearranging furniture while whining "I waaaaaant!"
-Today he was watching Ernie and Bert (or Burp, as he is known at our house) and they were talking on a banana like a telephone. He got up, crawled up on a chair, got a banana, and started talking on it! It was pretty funny. I only wish that I was able to understand who he was talking to!
- Little Guy has also started to not ever want me to sit down. He grabs both of my hands and starts whining. "I help you" It was a little cute the first time, but I am so over it. I already have to hide to eat and use the bathroom. I don't need any more "help", thanks.
- As a proud momma, I need to brag for a sec. Little Guy knows how to identify most of his letters! It is so fun to read his alphabet books with him and then have him "read" them back to us. I know it is just memorization at this point, but I think it is kinda cool.
-I have had to tie my dining room chairs to the table. Literally tie them. Little Guy was constantly dragging them into the kitchen to get into things he shouldn't, and I was going batty trying to keep him away from them. In his quest for bubbles, cookies, and jelly beans he was willing to do whatever it took to get them. Even if it meant rearranging furniture while whining "I waaaaaant!"
-Today he was watching Ernie and Bert (or Burp, as he is known at our house) and they were talking on a banana like a telephone. He got up, crawled up on a chair, got a banana, and started talking on it! It was pretty funny. I only wish that I was able to understand who he was talking to!
- Little Guy has also started to not ever want me to sit down. He grabs both of my hands and starts whining. "I help you" It was a little cute the first time, but I am so over it. I already have to hide to eat and use the bathroom. I don't need any more "help", thanks.
- As a proud momma, I need to brag for a sec. Little Guy knows how to identify most of his letters! It is so fun to read his alphabet books with him and then have him "read" them back to us. I know it is just memorization at this point, but I think it is kinda cool.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
This has been a crappy weekend. I am trying my best to have good attitude and see the good things in life, but ugh, it doesn't always work. Why do kids always get sick on the weekend? And why must it happen on a weekend that we have plans? I am annoyed right now.
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