Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Little Guy is going to be two in just one month! I can't believe how quickly the last year went by. He is talking more and more every day and always surprising me with the stuff he comes up with. He has been trying to call me Kat for the last week or so. Ignoring hasn't worked. So now I just remind him that my name is Mommy. So he calls me Mommy Kat sometimes. What a goofy kid.

We have been playing with buttons a lot recently. I am sort of wanting to sort them all out by color and display them, but I'm not quite sure how yet. Anyway, Little Guy is really into them and is asking for "butts" a couple of times a day. The only problem is the putting away. I need to make it into a game or something because he does not like putting them up.

Tonight is the premier of Lost. Robert and I are really into it and so excited! We are having breakfast for dinner while we watch. I am making Creme Brulee French Toast and sausage patties with some fruit thrown in there for good measure. Mmmm. I'll let you guys know how it turns out!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, that sounds good! You will be required to make that next time we see you. Please.
