Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And it begins...

The last few days have been full of ups and downs! Little Guy turned two on Saturday. We had a little party for him and it was so much fun! He was thrilled to be the center of attention. It was good to see family and friends. Then everyone left and the "twoishness" kicked in. Little Guy has tested every limit that I have ever set for him. He has been whiny and demanding and doing things that I would have never dreamed that my little angel would ever do. Yesterday, he kicked over a tub of toys and immedietly blamed it on the dog! Sometimes we have to try so hard to not laugh!

I have been trying to do different things with Little Guy recently. Most of the time I just let him play with whatever or do whatever he wants and I just follow his lead. Usually that means that we read books, play with blocks, play outside, or color. Those are the main things that we do together. But I am starting to realize that he sometimes has more fun if I pick an activity that maybe he wouldn't think of. Today we went outside and blew bubbles which was a nice change from the regular stuff. We played with playdough the day before. Sometimes I feel dumb when I have little realizations like that. Little Guy is also really interested in cooking. Frequently when I am in the kitchen I hear, "I cook?" Then he pushes a dining room chair over to the counter so he can help me. It is so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Good Momma!!! You will continue to learn new ways to do things and make adjustments and will love the Little Guy through it all:)
